Wednesday, September 12, 2007

I am Back !!!!!!!!!

I have changed many things on my tanks since I have been on here. EEK !!!!!! 7 months have passed all ready since the last post.

I will update the stock list shortly as I had a bit of a meltdown in the main tank due to a neighbour creosoting wood whilst we were on vacation.

I have also started a small cubish SPS tank and the main in-wall has now become a Softcoral/LPS and non-photosynthetic (Gorgonians& Tubestrae) species tank. This is after having seen this Dante's Inferno.

Ron Shimek does not appreciate the general terminologies of LPS, SPS as in this quote from his blog :

One of the things Eric and I had to do at RK as part of our monthly task as editors of RK was to review the banal offerings of the endless “Tank of the Month” articles. These articles were/are an endless repetition of technical drivel - nobody ever started their narrative with a phrase similar to…”I wanted to create an environment that was optimal for such and such an organism or group of organisms, and here’s how I set out to do that biologically.” Instead they continually went into useless technobabble and compounded this up with use of meaningless filler terms such as “LPS” and “SPS.”

Whilst I agree with his view that it is more about the physiological and biological needs of the corals,the common terms as used above is still a fair representation of what the biotope aims to be and provides an easy comparison for others. I will thus continue using these terms for the time being. You can find some more reading on Ron's site by following the link.

Ron has also been doing research regarding laminar/turbulent flow and the effect this has on certain gorgonian species(I think he has evaluated 3 species) .I hope to e-mail him soon and attempt to glean some of this information from him.I think it could be useful in providing the gorgonians in my tank with the correct environment for them to thrive in. I will let you know how this pans out.

I will add some more info on these tanks soon.